The Democratic Learning Community
Article III- What Community Is

I believe that

-community is what happens when a group of people come together in support of one another, with the understanding that each has something unique and valuable to contribute to the whole.

-community can be created anywhere. It is no longer bound by the limits of physical geography and we’d be remiss to act as if it still was. Community can happen from thousands of miles away via the internet thanks to our rapidly growing (and in a sense, shrinking) world.

-the difference between a community and the alternative is intentionality. What separates an online forum from an online community is the intentionality shown by its members to be more than just a “room” full of people and ideas, to become a self-sustaining, supportive, and growing community. The same goes for a neighborhood. The difference between a block of people who share a similar address and a community of neighbors is the intentionality of it’s neighbors to be more than people living side-by-side but to look out for one another, to become a new form of family and to help where possible.

-community, like democracy, requires people to come together to discover their skills and passions as individuals and as a whole while being sure to respect those skills and passions in others. A community provides a safe space for people to explore, grow, and develop their beliefs, ideas, and selves. A community actively works towards creating spaces that are safe and welcoming to ALL members, never allowing the biases or bigotry of one small faction to influence or destroy the right to safety for the whole.

-community exists out of necessity. We, as human beings, are incredibly social creatures. It is in out nature to seek out connections with others and it is that natural desire to coexist that is the impetus for community.